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Elementary Classroom

Our Philosophy

We believe that parents are the most important people in their child’s life. They serve as the child’s advocates, teachers, and caregivers. Since families have personal knowledge regarding their children, we trust their judgment about their needs and believe that parents and professionals must form an active partnership in educational planning.


We believe that a child with special needs/disabilities is always a child first. Therefore, the same good learning principles apply to all and occur in a widely diverse and interactive way.


We accept the National Association for the Education of Young Children's philosophy that “Learning in young children is the result of interaction between the child’s thoughts and experiences with materials, ideas, and people. These experiences should match the child’s developing abilities, while also challenging the child’s interest and understanding.”


We believe that all children learn from one another and that each child can develop respect for one another’s unique individualities.


We believe that early childhood services should help children develop a secure foundation of skills, attitudes, and habits in order to prepare them for their next environment.


Consider the inseparability and interdependence of cognitive, physical, emotional, communication, and
social development. Social-emotional capacities do not develop or function separately.


  1. Develop and strengthen each child’s ability and opportunity to identify, pursue, and complete self-chosen tasks with originality, responsibility, and self-discipline.

  2. Encourage the child’s innate sense of curiosity and construction of knowledge through an intriguing environment and developmentally appropriate activities, materials, and practices.

  3. Improve each child’s ability to express and comprehend thoughts, ideas, needs, and feelings in order to communicate effectively with others.

  4. Develop a positive self-concept and attitude toward learning, self-control, and a sense of belonging in each child.

  5. Encourage the child’s ability to think critically, reason, and solve problems.

  6. Strengthen each child’s management of his/her body and acquisition of gross and fine motor skills.

  7. Develop relationships of mutual trust and respect with adults and peers.

  8. Develop an increased awareness, tolerance, and acceptance of individual differences, needs, and viewpoints in an integrated, culturally sensitive environment.

Kid Playing with Bubble
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